Sunday, February 3, 2013

Engaging in 2013

Wow, what a year 2012 turned out to be. It started out with me being single and focusing on me and my wellness. Well, I went from single to engaged in a matter of months and somehow I fell off the whole taking-care-of-me bandwagon. Even though I'm living with my wonderful partner, M, and loving spending time with him, I'm finally at the breaking point where I'm realizing I need to take better care of me, in order to take better care of my family.

So, here I am on my journey to self-awareness and wellness. This week, I'm focusing on the basics - getting myself to the gym, eating regularly, and getting our finances really hashed out.

Tonight I not only got my gym bag ready for the morning, but I set out breakfast and lunch for tomorrow, so I can just grab and go. I'm a lot less stressed right now and I'm ready for bed before midnight. I think I'm going to try to read for a few minutes before I go to bed too, to start getting back in the habit.

Last week I signed up for the gym, here's what I've done so far:

Tuesday - Core and Rebounding w/D
Thursday - Elliptical (20 min) and Cardio Kickboxing ((w/D)
Saturday - Core Express and Kundalini Yoga
Sunday - Elliptical (30 min)

Weight Today: 137.6 lbs